Schools / Universities
Schools / Universities
Numerous epidemiological and toxicological studies have found positive associations between exposure to atmospheric particulate matter (PM) and adverse health effects.* Although air quality standards have been established for outdoor ambient environments, a significant portion of human exposures to PM occurs indoors, where people spend around 85-90% of their time. Hence, it is important to understand and reduce the sources of both indoor and outdoor PM. Indoor PM consists of outdoor particles that have infiltrated indoors, particles emitted indoors (primary), and particles formed indoors (secondary) from precursors emitted both indoors and outdoors.

Children are regarded as particularly susceptible to potential health hazards related to PM exposure, which include asthma, lung inflammation, allergies and other types of respiratory and cardiovascular problems. School-aged children spend
Air Filters Supplied by AFNW®...
- Help prevent particulate matter from entering schools, universities and public facilities
- Help remove certain gaseous pollutants from the air stream
- Reduce indoor levels of particulate pollutants inside classrooms
- Substantially improve air quality conditions in the classroom, cafeteria, gym and other indoor school areas
- Request Quote for Filtration Solutions